Saturday 17 October 2015

Wondrous Wattlebirds

Another good catch for an October day with a total of 36 birds processed during the morning. The duck net was up and running and caught some great birds including an Australian Wood Duck, a re-captured Pacific Black Duck and an Australian White Ibis. An Australasian Darter perched tantalisingly close to the net but managed to avoid capture - it would have been a first for the Herdsman project.

Australian White Ibis
A net through flowering bottlebrush bushes was particularly good at catching Red Wattlebirds. An amazing seven wattlebirds came out of this net, all of them juvenile. Brown Honeyeaters were the most plentiful, even outnumbering the rather low count of Silvereyes (six Silvereyes - even less than wattlebirds!).
A first-year Spotted Pardalote was a nice surprise late in the morning.

Spotted Pardalote in its first year
Species - new (retrap)
Australian White Ibis - 1
Australian Wood Duck - 1
Brown Honeyeater - 8 (2)
New Holland Honeyeater - 2
Pacific Black Duck - 1 (1)
Red Wattlebird - 7
Silvereye - 5 (1)
Singing Honeyeater - 1
Spotted Pardalote - 1
Striated Pardalote - 2 (1)
Western Gerygone - 1
Willie Wagtail - (1)
Total - 30 (6) = 36

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