Friday 13 November 2015

Early November

November started with little fanfare or excitement on the banding front. Two banding trips were both very quiet, with the exception of two Laughing Kookaburras caught in the reed bed which loudly expressed their distaste of the situation.

Only one bird on Wednesday was a new bird - the rest were all recaptures, even the duck and the kookaburras.

Laughing Kookaburra

Wed 4/11
Species - new (retrap)
Laughing Kookaburra - (2)
Pacific Black Duck - (1)
Silvereye - 1 (3)
Total - 1 (6) = 7

Sat 7/11
Species - new (retrap)
Brown Honeyeater - 1
Pacific Black Duck - 1
Silvereye - 2 (2)
Striated Pardalote - 1
Western Gerygone - 1 (1)
Yellow-rumped Thornbill - (2)
Total - 6 (5) = 11

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