Monday 14 March 2016

Mid-March Mist-netting

12 March 2016
We had enough people to run a good variety of nets this weekend and this gave us a diverse catch. The highlights were four first-year Black-faced Cuckooshrikes in the same net. This is a rather spectacular figure given that the previous total banded was just 11 over 15 years at Herdsman!

First-year Black-faced Cuckooshrike
A trio of Black-faced Cuckooshrikes

Silvereyes and Striated Pardalotes were both present in good numbers. The pardalotes were all first-year birds and most of the Silvereyes that we were able to age were also first-years.

The Inland Thornbill we caught recently was recaptured this weekend in the same area.

Inland Thornbill
Adult (age 2+) Australian Reed-warbler
Species - new (retrap)
Australian Reed-warbler - 2
Black-faced Cuckooshrike - 4
Brown Honeyeater - 1
Grey Teal - 1
Inland Thornbill - (1)
Pacific Black Duck - (2)
Rufous Whistler - 1
Silvereye - 19 (1)
Singing Honeyeater - 1
Striated Pardalote - 15
Western Gerygone - 1 (1)
Willie Wagtail - 3 (1)
Total - 48 (6) = 54

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